Kelly Henry

Total 81,188 steps

My goal 80000 steps

I'm walking for......

I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge this year and looking to raise as much as I can! I’ll be walking 10,000 steps a day from the 26th March - 2nd April! If you could spare anything to sponsor me I’d greatly appreciate it - anything helps! 

This is a cause so close to my heart as our son Sam is currently on the pathway to being diagnosed with Autism. He’s 5 this year and will be starting school in August! He’s absolutely incredible and so wonderfully unique! He’s obsessed with trains & music! Every day has its difficulties and challenges but I wouldn’t change a second of it! 

Sam see’s the world differently and we just love being a part of it 💙 

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Pauline Smith

Good luck Kelly, great cause ❤️


Kate Kinninmont

Well done, Kelly Henry!


Gordon Jack

Go Team Kelly


The Gallaghers

Good luck our Kelly 💚


Natalie Hughes

Good luck Kelly!! X


Stuart & Susan

Good luck x


Scott Young

Well done Kelly and best of luck!


Stephen Dallas

Well done Sam & kel good effort


Paul Divers

All the best Kelly, Paul and Caitlyn x


Johanna Brown

Good luck. Always nice to sponsor people doing something for others x


The Calderwoods

Good Luck Kelly xxx


Jade Mcphail

Super Proud and good luck ❤️❤️


Leanne Senior

Amazing Kelly! Good luck with all the stepping, happy to keep you company with some steps on our office days!


Amanda Mclaughlin


Suzi Moriarty

Wonderfully Unique!! Love that and so true.


Karen Muir

You're a superhero Kelly!


Cheryl Mcintosh

Great cause to raise awareness for :)


Linsay Mair

Such an amazing thing that you're doing to raise awareness. Well done!


Kelly Henry


Nicholas Beattie


Laura Mckenna

Good luck Kelly!


Nicola Brooks

Good Luck Kelly Love Nikki x