Amy McDermott

My Walk for Autism Challenge

Total 15,000 steps

My goal 80000 steps

How Children with Autism feel

1 - People with Autism are very different from each other. Just because they've been diagnoised with the one word "Autism" their symptoms, Challenges, behaviours and intellectual minds are not the same.

2. - It's not easy for people woth Autism to be different and often they struggle to accept that they are different which can lead to anxiety, frustration the feeling of rejections, peer to peer pressure. People with Autism just want to be understood and accepted.

3. Like everyone else in the world People with Autism can do amazing things just from different angles.

4 -With some forms of Autism people can take you quiet literally not recognising sarcasm. Sometimes direct and to the point works better for someone with Autism.

5 - People with Autism struggle in social settings and they can find that something like making a new friend can be very difficult for them. They need time to be able to connect in their own way.

6 - Something as simple as bright lights or the beat in a song can really trigger and upset someone with Autism.

7 - Textures and smells of some foods can also trigger someone with Autism which can lead to poor diet.

8 - When someone with Autism is triggered and visibly upset this is a time where they need someone one to one in other words reduce the audience and give them a safe place to be able to express themselves as an individual. 

9 -  Overloading People with Autism need to focus on one thing at a time if they become overloaded with demands this can lead to anxiety, upset, Challenging behaviour and is some cases self harm. Time to process for someone with Autism is invaluable.  

10 - Meltdowns are not tantrums, this simple means that the person is overwhelmed, which can lead to anything from crying to throwing breaking objects etc.

11 - Open door communications, this is invaluable it allows someone with Autism to express how they are feeling which can reduce the risk of challenging behaviours. At the end end of the day they just want to feel valued like any of us. Reassurance is key that they are doing a great job!



Your kindness and understanding changes their whole world when you believe in them it helps them to believe in themselves. 

I'm walking for Jake McAuliffe

Jake is my 6 year old big brown eyed Nephew he is 3 and a half weeks older than my 6 year old daughter.

Growing up Jake and my daughters milestones we're very different. Jake was always the little strong man of the family the strength he has is extraordinary he would climb a fence at the drop of a hat if he was given the chance.  When Jake got to 3 years old and hadn't reached the same milestones as other children my older sister took it apon herself (after being on the NHS waiting list for sometime) to take matters into her own hands and privately get Jake assessed for Autism. Jake was diagnosed with Autism practically on the day.

Jake is non verbal, How he communicates is very different from other children. It took time to understand Jake, How he communicates and his needs. For example if Jake wants something that he can't reach he will take your hand and bring you to what it is he wants or if he wants something that is in reach he will take the object with him and hand it to you. When Jake wants to go outside he takes your hand and brings you to the door. As with Autism some but not all are very sensitive to sound in Jakes case some sounds called really unsettle and trigger him therefore Jake needs to use ear defenders almost all day long. Jakes safe space is his bedroom if Jake gets anxious he will go to his room and this is where he has his own space and time to regulate and when he has done so he will return to his normal activities.
Jake is a big outdoorsy child, when there is good weather Jake spends most of his day in the garden running around and in his playhouse, slide and trampoline. Jake along with many with autism have very sensitive sensory needs and Jake really prefers to be barefoot as much as possible. Jake absolutely love water activities and this is where he thrives the most.

Jake has his own unique world and with that he has the most contagious heartfelt laugh ive ever heard in my lifetime (he should be on a kids TV advertisement) all you can do is laugh along with him, when Jake goes into his fits of laughing they can be unstoppable and it can only ever put you in a good mood.

Jake has his own little personality in his own world that to be honest I've always said id love to be there with him because when he laughs it somewhat brings you into his world.

Jake is the apple of everyone's eye and his big wide brown eyes would make you melt at the knees. I am so fortunate to be able to call this little boy my Nephew.

Not everyone is as lucky to be able to pay for private diagnosis for their children and no child should have to wait the extensive length they are waiting for diagnosis.

As I am a social care worker my profession field is in the area of disabilities of all kinds. In particular I spend most of my working days with individuals with Autism. Each individual with Autism is very different from the next the label of Autistic varies so so much in fact so much so ive get to meet 2 people diagnosed with Autism to have the same Challenges, behaviours, triggers and sensory needs.

People with Autism are very special and unique people and it's all a matter of understanding their world. Donating to this cause will help to bring awareness and educate people and provide more resources and understanding around Autism. 

Let's Understand Autism

Autism - Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder.

Fragile X syndrome is the most common known of Autism. In other words a genetic neurodevelopment disorder mild to severe intellectual disability.

What causes Fragile X syndrome - it is a change to a gene on the X chromosome called FMR1 gene. This gene typically produces a protein to help the brain function normally, if there is a change or any alter to this gene in anyway it cannot produce its normal protein which can result in Fragile X syndrome.

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised €20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Day one complete

Challenge completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Aine Smithers


Nicholas Brennan


Les Quirke


Sarah Mcdermott

Best of luck Amy, beautiful words on our warrior Jake ❤️


Nicola Marnell


Aoife Clarke




Siobhan Kehoe

All the best from the Kehoes and Macey xx


Deborah Kelly

Good luck


Jordana Kavanagh


Mary O'shea
