How Children with Autism feel
1 - People with Autism are very different from each other. Just because they've been diagnoised with the one word "Autism" their symptoms, Challenges, behaviours and intellectual minds are not the same.
2. - It's not easy for people woth Autism to be different and often they struggle to accept that they are different which can lead to anxiety, frustration the feeling of rejections, peer to peer pressure. People with Autism just want to be understood and accepted.
3. Like everyone else in the world People with Autism can do amazing things just from different angles.
4 -With some forms of Autism people can take you quiet literally not recognising sarcasm. Sometimes direct and to the point works better for someone with Autism.
5 - People with Autism struggle in social settings and they can find that something like making a new friend can be very difficult for them. They need time to be able to connect in their own way.
6 - Something as simple as bright lights or the beat in a song can really trigger and upset someone with Autism.
7 - Textures and smells of some foods can also trigger someone with Autism which can lead to poor diet.
8 - When someone with Autism is triggered and visibly upset this is a time where they need someone one to one in other words reduce the audience and give them a safe place to be able to express themselves as an individual.
9 - Overloading People with Autism need to focus on one thing at a time if they become overloaded with demands this can lead to anxiety, upset, Challenging behaviour and is some cases self harm. Time to process for someone with Autism is invaluable.
10 - Meltdowns are not tantrums, this simple means that the person is overwhelmed, which can lead to anything from crying to throwing breaking objects etc.
11 - Open door communications, this is invaluable it allows someone with Autism to express how they are feeling which can reduce the risk of challenging behaviours. At the end end of the day they just want to feel valued like any of us. Reassurance is key that they are doing a great job!
Your kindness and understanding changes their whole world when you believe in them it helps them to believe in themselves.