Ambitious College

Congratulations everyone!

Welldone to everyone that participated in the Walk for Autism challenge! As a college we smashed our step goal! 

Class teams will be updated with our progress after the 30th April. 

Thank you to everyone who participated and supported! 


Over 624182 steps and counting, have been collected. It has been amazing to see staff and learners working together on this project. 

Our activities today have included: 
- Nature trails
- Going to the shops
- Bowling
- Zumba 
- Bouncing 
- Sensory disco activities. 

An epic effort by all!


We've been stepping today! 
- Exploring the Wetlands for signs of spring. 
- Sports activities using our 'stop' and 'go' skills.
- Running.  
- Team games

And more! 


Today we danced our way into our steps with Zumba this morning! We have had a fun afternoon at the gym and walking in the park.

Over 86135 steps have been counted! 

Well done everyone! 

We're walking for....

Our Team are stepping up to Walk for Autism to show how much we all care about autism.

We will be cheering each other on in our team to walk 10,000 steps every day for 8 days. We are all committed to raising much needed funds to support autistic children and adults in the UK and Ireland and also help to spread autism acceptance and understanding.

Help make all our steps count and show your support by donating today!

You can also help by sharing our page … or why not join us?

Thank you for helping us to spread autism acceptance and understanding.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Chris W


Joe Butcher




Virginia Bovell

Well done everyone!


Pat :)


Amenah Yousuf


Nusrat Youssuf




Geoff Soppet

Great work everyone. Well done!


Nighat Yousuf

Well done!


Elizabeth Robinson

Well done to all learner and staff involved! You are such an inspiration.





Get all the steps in! 😁



Go team Ambitious!



Good luck everyone!


Jess Howley-wells