Kiyona Scott

Total 69,977 steps

My goal 64000 steps


Thank you to everyone who donated.

I have smashed my target with a little bit of help from mum and dad.

Thank you ❤




Completed 8060 steps!

Walk For Autism (Cali & Moos)

My name is Kiyona Moo and i am 10 years old. My favourite person in the whole wide world is my baby brother Cali, (who will be 3 years old in April. 

My baby brother has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are awaiting a final diagnosis for my brother from the Paediatrician which could take a number of years.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviour. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder and signs of autism typically appear during early childhood and can affect a person’s social skills, communication, and behaviours.

My mum first started noticing that my brother had developmental delays when he was 9 / 10 months old.

Since then, there have been many more signs. Some signs included are:

-       Not responding to his name

-       Avoiding eye contact

-       Getting very upset when he does not like a taste, smell or sound

-       Sleep regression every time he is out of his routine or there is an unexpected change to his routine.

-      Hand flapping (Repetitive movements)

-      Walking on his tip toes

-      Making sounds instead of speaking

-      Biting us when frustrated

-      Stimulating when he gets excited, happy or upset.

-      Screaming and crying (meltdowns) in social settings as loud noises make him really uncomfortable.

-      Making sounds instead of saying words.


My baby brother is my best friend and he follows me everywhere and we do a lot of things together. He always cheers me up if I get sad and gives me the best cuddles and kisses. Sometimes it is difficult to see my brother upset.

As I have got older, I have started to realise how difficult it must be for someone with autism to feel very isolated because the world is very different and scary in their eyes.

I am very grateful that my mum, dad and me are my baby brothers safe place and we can help him whenever he feels like he struggles and needs support. He has come a very long way in this last year but we still have lots of work to do.

I’m raising money for walk for autism charity by doing 8,000 steps a day between 25th March 2024 and 02nd April 2024 so please can you help me reach my target by donating anything you can.

This walk is mainly for my Cali bud but also for all the children who are on the ASD spectrum and all the mums and dads who dedicate their lives to support and look after their children.

Thank you so much.


Lots of Love,

Kiyona Moos

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Marcus Pittman

Good luck with the walk!


Tarn Harris

Good luck with your sponsored walk, so proud of you!!! Love from Aunty Tarn xxx


Simone Wetherell

Good luck on your walk baby girl!! We love you and are so proud of what you continue to achieve. You will do great things! Love Auntie Moan and Auntie Boo!


Georgie Pouyioukkas

So proud of you!! You’ll smash it, love you xxx


Miss Rosalyn Scott

Best of luck on your on your walk. You're going to smash it Love ❤️ nanny ❤️


Mummy, Daddy & Cali Xx

Moo, you are so amazing and we love you so much. You make us proud every single day and you are going to smash this walk!!



Hope you smash your target Moo's


Michele Tierney

I see my Autism as a gift, we have talents that less neurodivergents have and we are always real. No hiding from being who we are ❤️ Good luck and enjoy every step for Autism.


Sarah Osborne

Go! Moo go! Fantastic thing to do as a big sister. You’ll smash it! Let me know if you want some company on your walk xx




Nutty Nanny & Grandad


Tommy, Billie, Lexi & Brody

Kiyona, you are the best big sister Cali could of wished for. Go smash it girl. We love you! ❤️❤️❤️


Aunty Si


Aunty Evey

Well done Moo! Me and the girls love you x



This is amazing, well done!!



Good luck moo!


Josie Owen

Go baby girl! What an amazing do for Calibud 🥰 You're going to absolutely smash this and we are so proud of you 💕 Lots of love, Mama Josie, Tom & Joshybug xxx


Simon Connelly

Good luck! Love Simon & Ian


Ashley Correia

So proud of you Kiyona! Best of luck on your walk ❤️