The Mitchell-Charman’s

The year we’ll walk together!

Walk for Autism has always just been my ‘thing’ but this year all 4 Mitchell-Charmans will be walking 10000 steps a day to raise much needed funds to support Autistic people.

This will take place from March 26th to 2nd April which is World Autism Acceptance day.

Lots of families just like us have Autistic members - some have low needs and others have high, every individual with Autism is unique.

We are taking part to raise money for this charity to be able to continue to support the families that need it the most!

So please feel free to support us as we raise a little money (and understanding) along the way!


We're walking for every awesome family like ours!

Our Team are stepping up to Walk for Autism to show how much we all care about autism.

We will be cheering each other on in our team to walk 10,000 steps every day for 8 days. We are all committed to raising much needed funds to support autistic children and adults in the UK and Ireland and also help to spread autism acceptance and understanding.

Help make all our steps count and show your support by donating today!

You can also help by sharing our page … or why not join us?

Thank you for helping us to spread autism acceptance and understanding.

Our Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

Thank you to our Sponsors


Lisa Hodgins-lewis

Love you all xx


Lesley Hodgins

Go smash it you fabulous four , what a team ❤️❤️❤️❤️




Tamanna Choudhury

Well done to you all and especially to you Daniel. I am so proud how far you have come and how much you have achieved and will continue to achieving. Love you all 🩷❤️🩷❤️




Chelsea Lefcovitch

Love that the four of you are doing it this year! Always cheering you guys on! Much love to you and this amazing charity, The Lefcos x


Mrs Javed

Good luck! 🤞🏼 ☺️


The Ants Family

Good luck to you all xx





Stacey Fowler

Good luck to the best team! Love from The Fowler's


Robyn Travers

You’ve got this Dan the man. We just love you so much. We love who you are as a person and you are and always will be a much loved individual to our family (you ARE family) and in society. Forever proud of you xxx


Claire Kettle


Katie Smith


Terence Holloway