My Walk for Autism Challenge

Total 0 steps
Why am I doing this
My younger brother has autism, my whole life I have felt like I need to shout from the roof tops to be heard. I’ve never seen our relationship as anything different to any other siblings until someone at my uni asked me “are you not sad you can’t do normal things together?”. There is nothing that we can’t do together, we have gone on holiday together more times than I can count, we’ve played video games together and watched films that we both enjoy. However these activities may look slightly different to how you do your activities with your siblings but it doesn’t mean we don’t have a “normal” relationship.I'm walking for my brother Pablo❤️
If you know me well, you’ll know I am a huge advocate for Autism and once you get me talking about it I will not stop! There are so many day to day challenges each individual is faced with when they have a hidden disability and as autism manifests so differently in each person it’s hard to know how to engage with each individual. I hope the more we speak about autism and the more we spread awareness the world can become more accessible, it is painful trying to get by in a world that it made for atypical people and to have to fit yourself into a box to work your way through life. It’s time to flip the narrative on its head and keep spreading the word to open the door to a more inclusive world where every individual has access to the support they need to be free.
Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every autistic person has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.
I'll be walking a total of 10,000 steps, the equivalent of 8k a day 26th March to 2nd April to raise money for this charity.
Any donation big or small is greatly appreciated 😊
My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Day One Complete

Challenge completed
Thank you to my Sponsors

Amalia Key

David Key
You are amazing. I know you will smash this, good luck xx

Greg Key
Good luck Adri

Barbara Radecki
Good luck Adri

Deborah Bentley
Good luck Adri x

John Key
Good luck Adri 👍

Will Key
Good luck 👍🏻

Justine Smith
Good luck, Adri!

Annalise Bradshaw
So proud of you! 🥰

Camino Linares-rivas
Go Adri go! You are a wonderful big sister and Pablo deserves all the love!

Christine Bradley
Wishing you all the best in your challenge Adri 🌟

Adri Key

Julie Key
Well done Adri xx

Hannah Dial

Stacey Baron

Courtney W
This is amazing Ads. A very worthy cause ❤️ we all love you Pablo, and I’ll never forget how amazing your lego creations are!!
Thank you mi amor. You are a gem.