My Walk for Autism Challenge

Total 0 steps
80,000 Steps For Autism
After a two and a half year wait, our beautiful bouncy boy Barney finally has his diagnosis and I’m walking 80,000 steps for charity to raise awareness and help some other families like us. If you’re able to donate anything, I’d be truly grateful no matter how little. 10,000 steps a day may not seem much to some, but for me it will be a challenge! Thank you for taking the time to read. Much love, Alana xI'm walking to raise awareness for autism for people like my beautiful son.
Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every autistic person has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.
I'll be walking a total of 10,000 steps a day 26th March and 2nd April to raise money for this charity.
Any donation big or small is greatly appreciated 😊
My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Day One Complete

Challenge completed
Thank you to my Sponsors


Neil Ambrose

Elaine Latter
Target reached xx

Alice Jarvis
Well done for taking this on Alana but you can do it!!! Love you all ❤️

Aileen Campbell

Hannah Spellman
So much love for barney, that's visible by all the donations already received before 1 step has been taken. You're a fantastic mumma!

Julie Mccoy

Ainhoa Sancho Barbero
Barney ❤️

Karen Elizabeth Conlon
Donated with love xxx

Gemma Lane
Go on girl💙

Mick Fallaize
Good luck, a great cause with so many youngsters affected and not enough support available.

Karen And Les Parkes
Well done Alana, you are such a trooper. What a lovely thing to do for Barney. XxX

Sally, Paul, Lottie & Jessie
Sending love to you all! Xx

Zoe Taylor
Wishing you all the best x

Maureen Bell

Alana Gibbons

Steven Hogg
Good luck to you Alana you are a star. love you ,Todd, Trixie and the happy little Barnie xx

Julie Dawe
Good Luck Alana xxxx


Kate Wharton

Zoe Knight
I believe in you Alana, wishing you all the luck in the 🌎 🥰 Love Zoe, Lucy and Mollie

Matthew Selby

Tracey Paterson
Always a fighter! Making your little man proud!

Tracey Claxton
have no doubt that you've got this! 💯 💪🫶

Tess Salmon

Good luck

Jon Ashbee

Karina Vernau
Smash it beaut xx

Alison White
Slow n steady wins the race, good luck I know you will smash it love you xx

Nathan Love
For a fantastic cause x

Lynne Parry
You'll smash it xx

Leanne Baldock

Scott Forbes
Good luck love lots from Scott x

Rachel Gilchrist
Good luck..great worth cause X

Amy Whybrow

Isobel Shaw
What an amazing thing to do much love

Chris Hughes

Karen Lightburn
You got this Alana 💜

Gulcan Hassan
Hope this helps. Wish I could do more

Cara Newton
Good luck! Go Smash it! X

Rene Gruenhaeuser

Jean Forbes

Birgit Hock

Becky Lynam
A little donation from me jay and the girls xx

David Eastwood
Good luck

Emma Ashcroft
Love to you all 💙

Debbie Nind
You’re doing an amazing job guys x
Keep battling on.