Anya Cecil

Total 107,598 steps

My goal 80000 steps

A little bit about me

Hi my names Anya and I’m a mother to two beautiful children, Nevi & Ronni. 
My daughter Nevi was born prematurely in August 2019 but defeated all odds and is a strong, powerful little girl. 
At a young age we started to notice some autistic ‘traits’ but were told by health visitors “she’ll grow out of it” the dreaded sentence most parents of an autistic child get told. As a first time Mum I believed these words. 
Fast forward to her starting nursery and preschool it was picked up almost immediately that she had her extra ‘quirks’ mostly being sensory issues. 
She’s currently in reception and we’re finally receiving support (interventions, speech therapy  etc) it’s been a tough journey so far and I’m still learning along the way but I believe with extra funds being available there will be more opportunities for Autistic people. 
I feel very lucky to have such a beautiful soul in my life that I get to call my daughter and would love to raise funds but also raise awareness on Autism. It’s such a wide spectrum and I believe people aren’t as educated as they should be. 

I'm walking for my daughter Nevi-Rose

I’m raising funds for autism! Please sponsor me today! I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. I’ll be walking 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. Please sponsor me. Anything helps . Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every person on the autism spectrum has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.

I really feel there isn’t enough funding to help those who’re Autistic currently, I believe these funds will help children and adults who need that support. 

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Helen Tovey

Fantastic charity! As you know this is very close to our hearts too, so best of luck with the walk xxx


Vicky Stephens


Katie V


Ben Caines

