Total 53,971 steps
I'm walking for...... Carter
I’m raising funds for autism! Please sponsor me today! I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. I’ll be walking 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. Please sponsor me. Anything helps . Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every person on the autism spectrum has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.On the 16th of May 2016 I welcomed to the world my very last baby, he was perfect. Everything went aswell as it should. Every milestone and target was met, month by month he grew into THE happiest, babbling baby ever, his laugh was infectious. Just after Christmas 2017 I started noticing changes whilst he was still this happy baby that we all knew and loved, his babble reduced drastically I was no longer hearing mom mom mom or dad dad dad it had turned to constant humming. Days went on and still not a word from him now this humming was accompanied by rocking backwards and forwards for what seemed an eternity little did I know this was only the beginning. Things got worse and I noticed that my baby no longer noticed who was around him or who came in and out, it was almost as if he was in an empty room, alone, but he didn't seem to mind he was still that giggling little ball of love. Along came the dangerous head banging and the uncontrollable, rocking he seemed to enjoy so much. I needed to do something my mind was in over drive 'something isn't right with my boy'. Most said it was fine he was just content and his words would come along when he was ready. As I was sat up for hours and hours on end at night because his little brain just wouldn't allow him to switch off I realised this couldn't go unnoticed any longer and I made the call to the health visitor the following morning. An appointment was booked for a home visit yet I felt nothing but guilt that it was all in my head like everyone else had said and I was just driving my self mad little did I know this was the beginning of a whole new life for us.
11th April 2018 was that day that I realised my gut never failed me, 60 mins into our home visit and I was a blubbering mess when the health visitor said I had every reason to be concerned and she was going to rush his referral as a matter of urgency. Appointments coming out our ears for months on end one after the other but, Just before my baby's 3rd birthday he was diagnosed with Autism along with other linked diagnoses.
This year hes hitting his 8th birthday and he's still the happiest bounciest boy ever, he steals the hearts of everyone. He has gave me strength and determination that i never knew i had. Life's damn hard with all the curveballs we have thrown our way but together we can fight anything. The world needs more understanding for Autism because these beautiful, amazing children deserve the world.
We didn't choose Autism, Autism chose us and we rock it 💙💚💛🧡❤️
My Achievements
Added profile picture
Shared page
First donation received
Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way
50% fundraising target
100% fundraising target
Challenge completed
First 10,000 steps completed