Cherry Atkinson

Total 88,511 steps

My goal 80000 steps

Day 7

What a lovely sunny afternoon it was 🌞 got today's steps in by shopping this morning, then for a walk with some friends and did some housework. Last day of the challenge tomorrow! 

Day 6

Went for a run this morning, with what used to be my feet, but are now bandaged masses of injury 😂 Can't wait for my new running socks to arrive. 
After a nice family lunch, I had a pleasant walk around near where I live, and later killed off the last few hundred steps doing boring things like housework. All in all, a nice day!! Happy Easter everyone! 🐰 

Day 5

Great day! SO SUNNY 🌞 Walked round Attenborough Nature Reserve with my Dad which was lovely and later round a local park with my bestie and her kids. Hope I keep up the steps volume post-challenge as it feels good (my feet disagree) however will have to see as I'm conveniently on annual leave this week so it's less likely...but possible! 😃
Thanks again for all the support and donations everyone! It's great to walk/run with such purpose and cause xx

Day 4: Toe Injuries and Dodgy Website

Ok so this is not the most user friendly of websites and "Map My Fitness" has messed up the numbers a bit so I've disconnected it and am now manually updating them. Just FYI!

Today I sustained 5 blisters on various toes while out running and walking. I suspect my new trainer socks may be to blame! Likely to be bandaged for the rest of the challenge haha.

Day 3: Team Steps and Snail Rescue

Another day another (>) 40,000 across the team's participants! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
And a snail rescue 🐌 Dude was just chillin on the pavement so I carried it to some plants 🌱
Thank you for all the support and donations today everyone! ❤️ 

Day 2: Fundraising

IT'S A TEAM EFFORT! There are 4 of us from the same team at work getting these steps in every day at the moment which is so great - massive shout out to Natasha, Nick and Jamie who are sharing this page and helping to raise funds too! That's gonna be a total of 320,000 steps walked by the end of Tuesday! 
Major thanks to all the support and donations from everyone as well!!! xxx

Day 2: Steps

Enjoyed a lovely 3 mile stroll down to Trent Lock and back this morning. That accounted for 7315 steps of today (to be auto-added by "Map My Fitness" app over night). 
Rest of today's steps were racked up through house cleaning and lunch with family. 

Day 1 Fundraising

Thanks everyone for your support! 🙌 I did not expect to hit my fundraising target on day one (wow!) so I've extended it to £200. 

EDIT: Thanks to some further donations I've extended the target again, to £450! 

Thanks to all you donors, this is such a brilliant organisation we're supporting 🥳❤️🌈

Day 1: 10568 steps

Hit target for day 1 with a combo of running, food shopping and general mooching about.

I'm walking for......

I’m raising funds for autism! Please sponsor me today! I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. I’ll be walking 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. Please sponsor me. Anything helps. Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every person on the autism spectrum has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Wyvern Engineering Services

A great person helping an even greater charity




Luke Sharpe


Jenny Prow

One step at a time 😂


Jamie Kennedy





All the best James.



Well done! x


Justin Concannon

Keep going.🤩Great cause 👏👏👏


Matthew Fox


Holly Atkinson

Go Sis!


Martin Booth



Well done my darling Cherry Pie 😍xxxxxxx7 👍


Shaun Langshaw


Penny Johnson



Her Majesty

Well done


Tamsin Johnson

You go girl 💪


Paula Murakami

Keep up the good work 😊


Malc Richmond


Luke Stuart


Matt Sheldon

On behalf of Freddie


Simon Richmond

Simon's donation


Cherry Atkinson



Well done Team ! You guys are smashing it x

