Darren Ingram

Total 90,012 steps

My goal 80000 steps

Day 8

Long day but so glad to have completed the challenge with over 90,000 steps completed. 
Thank you to everyone who has donated already. You are all superstars. If you still want to you can until the 30th April using this fundraising page. 

Let’s make a difference together.

Off for a rest now 💪🥳

Day 7

Penultimate days challenge was another successful one. Another late night stroll with the dog.

One more day to go for my steps but there is still plenty of time for a donation. Let’s all make a difference together.

Let’s go smash Day 8 🙏💪💚

Day Six

Another successful day with getting my steps in. 10,926 in the bag. 
Another cold and wet walk this evening but got through it. Really feeling under the weather but getting to the end is so important. 

Please keep donating if you can and thank you for your support.

Day Five

Tough slog today. Feeling low and a bit under the weather. But got the steps in and then some thanks to my supportive crew walking me through it tonight. The star of the show Wyatt was leading the charge. Thanks for the help little legend 💚

Now to relax and get ready to smash Day Six.

Please if you can, make a donation no matter what it is it will make such a difference. Once again thank you to those who have already donated and supported me and Autism Initiatives.

Day Four

Been for a birthday walk after working this morning. Day Four is officially complete.

Thank you again for the donations. It will make such a difference and help with the support that is crucial to so many with Autism and their families.

See you tomorrow for Day 5

Day Three

Thank you again to all the wonderful people making donations and getting that total up. It really is amazing. Let’s keep going!!

Day Four up next…. Another day to smash the steps in and donate more money 💪👍

Day Two

Been a busy day of work and home visits mean not many steps. 

Had to do some walking to football and then a late night walk with the dog to get the steps in. 11,069 steps completed means that Day Two is a winner.

Thanks for all the new donations. They really will make a difference. 

Thank you so much for the support 👍

Day One

Plenty of excitement today for the start of the challenge and also the main little man Wyatt’s birthday. 
We went on a long walk today and accumulated a step total of 11,316 steps.

Thank you so much for the donations so far. They are so appreciated. Hoping for some more donations through the challenge and further after completion. 

7 more days to smash!!

Walk For Autism


I can not wait to start my Walk For Autism fundraiser for my little legend Wyatt.
Wyatt has A.S.D and Global Development Delay but despite this he is the most wonderful, funny and loving little man who we absolutely adore. 
As more and more people are getting correctly diagnosed with Autism it is important for us to continue to fundraiser and help so that people with Autism can get the support and care that they deserve. 

Any donation would be massively appreciated 🙏💚

I'm walking for my son Wyatt Darren Ingram

I’m raising funds for autism in support of my wonderful little legend Wyatt Darren Ingram. Wyatt has Autism Spectrum Disorder and Global Development Delay. Despite the struggles he faces on a day to day basis he is still the most brilliant, funny and loving little man and we wouldn’t be the same without him in our lives.

 Please sponsor me today! I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. I’ll be walking 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. Please sponsor me. Anything helps . Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every person on the autism spectrum has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.

Any donation would be appreciated 💚

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ellis Metcalfe

Keep it going mate


Ellis Metcalfe

Good luck mate



Proud of you xx





Thank you for making a difference xxx


Craig Ingram

This is just one of a million examples of the ways you, Elaine and Wyatt's siblings support him and show him how much he is loved and how much of an incredible young man he is and continues to become. We're all behind you every step of the way (excuse the pun, couldn't help myself 😁). 💙


Sharon Johnson

Very well done Darren


David Welsh

Great stuff pal. Keep going!


Peacock Phil Phil


Scott Austin

Good luck Daz


Julie Poole

Good luck with your challenge


Lauren Ingram

What an amazing thing to do for an amazing little boy. You got this 💚




Xavier Wong

Great cause Darren, our lovely HEA. Say hi to Wyatt & happy Easter time with your family xx



Well done Darren on taking up this challenge #keepwalking 😍


Bhupinder Chahal

Good luck with getting your steps in its for a much needed caused. Hope you can raise some much needed funds x


Hannah Johnson

Good luck dear Nephew. Hope you complete your steps and achieve your fundraising target x


Tim Bottomley

Amazing work mate! Love it.


Tanya Newman

For a special little Legend 💚


Mary Birchenall


Darren Ingram


Rebecca Hoddinott & The Leap Team

Good luck Darren!




Sonya Scott


Lee Willis


James Sommerville

Well done!


Ellen Chapman


Steven Willis


Jeanette Holden

Love aunty Chris x


Donna Whittaker


Gary Ingram