Jessica Rollinson

Total 95,691 steps

My goal 80000 steps

For Luca, Freya and willow

I’ll be walking for my son and my niece’s, willow and Freya and every other child and adult on the spectrum. 

It's been a very long journey so far to ensure we are getting the correct support in place for Willow and Freya. We noticed signs at a very young age but were always told they were delayed and had repetitive behaviours because they were "lockdown children". We always knew they were more to the story and this became clear when they started nursery which helped they us a lot. This whole experience has been a colourful learning journey as someone who didn't know much about the autistic spectrum it has opened my eyes to a whole new magical world. 

There's a lot we have learned a long the way such as there not being much support for autistic children and there certainly needs to be more. People also need to be aware that the autistic spectrum is large and every child on the spectrum is unique and beautiful in their own way. There are so many good days but there's also so many bad days but we love our children through them all.

Any parent out there who is starting their journey, I want to let you know you are amazing as the fight can be difficult for some as it was for us. The hard work and determination is exactly why we are doing is walk. Luca is one of those children who is just starting out his journey into the colourful world, he is unique, he is clever and he is full of love. He struggles with a lot of things such as his communication, sharing space with other children and is a sensory seeker, Luca has a long road a head of him but we will fight to get the support he needs.

Freya and Willow are now on the correct path. They have an EHCP in place for the support at their current school as sadly we had to start of at mainstream school due to the lack of understanding of their needs, however we are very pleased to say they now have a specialist place for September! We will continue to fight for the ones we love most.

Let’s all walk for autism! We are all in this together!

Each and every child is different and each and every child deserves the recognition for just how unique they are. We will be cheering each other on to walk 10,000 steps every day for 8 days (26th March - 2nd April). We are committed to raising much needed funds to support autistic children and adults in the UK and Ireland and also help to spread autism acceptance and understanding.

Help make all our steps count and show your support by donating today!

You can also help by sharing our page

Thank you for helping us to spread autism acceptance and understanding.

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Work Donations


Brett Hughes


Work Donations

Work donations


Amelia Henderson

Well done Jessica. Those three wee faces would brighten anyones day! Love n best wishes to all xxx


Jessica Rollinson


Liz Rolly

To support our children <3




Deborah Yeomans


Jenna Dalton


Amanda Secker

Well done Jess 🥳🎉👏 x


Shannon Bridge


Sammy Gardner


Vicky Millward




Jennie Summers