Julie Cairns

Total 87,158 steps

My goal 80000 steps

I'm walking for my great nephew George , he's a beautiful happy little boy so please sponsor this worthy cause as there is inadequate funding and support.

I’m raising funds for autism! Please sponsor me today! I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. I’ll be walking 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. Please sponsor me. Anything helps . Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every person on the autism spectrum has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lloyds Bank Match Funding


The Garsides

Go Julie! Super proud of you xxxx



Good luck mamma


Julie Cairns



Good luck Julie! an amazing cause close our hearts ❤️


Catharine Mather

Good luck! 🤞


Tracy P

Great cause Julie. Good luck with the challenge x


Georgia Myers



Nicole Davison







Nina says she’ll help you if you are struggling to get the steps in 🐶🐶🐶🐶


Maria Greenwood



June Wilson

Good luck love Mum and Dad


Sue Kaur

Good luck Julie x



love u



Good luck with your fundraising and walk Julie x


Venna Levis

