Leanne Devlin

Total 74,527 steps

My goal 10000 steps

I'm walking for......

Hi everyone! 😊

I'm Leanne and im taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge this year as it's a cause so very close to my heart. I'll be walking 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. 

This is deeply personal information, so I hope it's met with kindness. As some of you are already aware, after a challenging, long road one of my beautiful daughters received a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD.

ADHD I'd heard of but I'll be honest, autism I knew nothing about. There's a huge gap in understanding in my generation and those older- I still notice that all the time.
So, I read numerous books, researched endlessly and attended courses to learn as much as I could about my daughters diagnosis and to understand how we can make adjustments to make her life easier.

I quickly came to realise that I could relate to the majority of what I was learning, so much of the information resonated with me and eventually, again after a long process. As an adult I too, was diagnosed with autism.

I struggled throughout childhood, emotionally being the most significant, alongside my understanding of things, how I process & interpret things. How intensly situations affected me, how some social aspects confused me. I was faced with a lot of different challenges and different situations with a complete lack of knowledge or understanding around me and for me it was hard. I was different and i always felt that.

My diagnosis was a pivitol point in my life, i delved into 30 odd years of history (yep I'm old lol) I trawled through my medical records from birth, i re-evaluated my whole childhood and relationships i had growing up. I reassessed it all with this new knowledge. It was a complete whirlwind of emotion and I've never shared this personal information publicly, so this is a huge deal for me.

I feel vulnerable as i write this but it's my job to set an example to my daughter, to he proud of who I am as much as I'm proud of her, my niece and my nephew.  

Autism is a huge spectrum that has a lot of stigma attached to it. I'm a perfect example of how someone can appear "normal" yet have so much going on in the background and I'm determined to raise awareness of this. Everybody is different but every person should be treated with understanding and kindness. It shouldn't be faced with ignorance and I hope the world becomes more accepting for the sake of our children 💚💚💚

So please support me on this journey if you are able, every little helps and thank you for taking the time to read my story 😊<!--/data/user/0/com.samsung.android.app.notes/files/clipdata/clipdata_bodytext_240305_145328_870.sdocx-->

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kenneth Fulford


Tracy Davies

Such an inspirational Story Leanne, you should be proud 😘



Leanne, super proud of you for sharing your personal journey. It’s so important that we are educated and understand and support different Neurodiversity’s. Well done for raising more awareness.xx


Donna Williams

Well done Leanne. Your amazing. We have family members with Autism. Thank you for raising awareness. X


Bridget Heath


Helen Fulford

I’ve tapped up your uncle to donate x Good Luck


Reece Jukes

So proud of you biggen, its a touching gesture for all of us xxxx


Jackie Hughes

Go on Leanne smash it your a fantastic mum, so proud of you


Rachael Grant

Good luck Leanne, great cause x


Russell Jukes


Patrick Devlin

So proud to call you my wife. Your journey of self discovery has challenged you, but your courage and big heart has helped you grow so much. Keep growing keep smiling an get walking you'll smash it. Love you..


Carolyn Gamble

Thank you for sharing your story ❤️


Kim Jukes

Well done leanne I'm so proud of you keep up the good work 👏 😘🥰


William Hughes

Well done Leanne x


Michael Grogan

Go smash it Leanne x 😁👊🏼


Siobhan Stracey


Leanne Murphy

This is amazing! Thank you for sharing xx


Debbie Styzaker

Good luck Leanne but knowing you , you will smash this 🍀


Rebecca Handley

❤️ Go smash it. 🤜🤛


Hollie Shinton

Your always pushing yourself to help other. Your an inspiration to us all 🥰


Stacey Jukes

Loved reading your message. I know you’ll be thinking of our babies ❤️ xxx



Go on Leanne, you truly are amazing ❤️


Penny Hazzell

Good luck xx



Love you sisterrrrr and all you do ❤️


Tash Harper

What a lovely thing to do, good luck x

