Margaret Richardson

Total 96,626 steps

My goal 8000 steps
I'm walking for Autism over 7 days from 26 th March to 2nd April.  I'm attempting to walk 10.000 steps a day in honour of a little boy who has taught me more about life than as his grandma I've taught him. For those who don't know my 9 Yr old grandson Max has Autism Spectrum Disorder which means he has difficulty in communicating,  socialising and his development his severely  delayed when  compared to society's idea of a '"normal child". This can make the world increasingly difficult for Max an others just like him to live in. Combined with a total adjustment of how family life should  look. A lot of hard work from his mum dad and close family his amazing special Autism school different therapies Max is growing into a Happy beautiful boy with a wicked sense of humour and an amazing loyalty to those close to him. But one thing  that could make it easier is how people not aware of Autism treatment of him. That's why with 2 bad knees a bad hip short legs a bad attitude and a grandma moan I'll  be walking 10.000 steps a day (  my version of a marathon ) to raise awareness make life easier for Max and others like him "fit in". Don't stare when he needs to flap don't laugh at his directness, don't tut when he uses disabled toilets his ears can't take the handier noise. Please support me and My Max on this journey and donate whatever you can.

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Anne Leary

hi beautiful,all the best for the charitie walk,loves ya our and hugs to you and all the family ❤️ xxxzz


John Richardson

Keep up the good work sis xxxx


Patricia Sarnecki


Mike Richardson

Good Luck Marg, and a great cause too. Lots of Love Mike Rachel Nellie & Olive ❤️ X


Becca Herridge

Max is looking forward to Dominoes Saturday with grandma xx Good luck! Remember nit to go to hard still need you for babysitting lol


Kathryn Rimmer

Good luck Marg, I know this is very close to your heart Xxx


Clare Fallaize


Traci Robbins

Go on Margaret ! 😊


Carl Herridge

Good luck Marg!


Elaine Ward


Sheila Johnson

Well done Marg


Margaret Richardson


Kath P.

Amazing lady doing this for an amazing charity very close to her heart


Teresa Richardson

Good luck


Jacqueline Hamilton

Good luck Margaret


Theresa Mccarren

Great cause & good luck xx


Angela Gay

Good luck Mags & well done.




Claire Sarnecki

Good luck!! Xx


Lee Herridge

Well done Margaret (and Max!). Lee, Louise, Elliot and Oliver