Natasha Axford-dando

Total 87,529 steps

My goal 80000 steps

Autism; the outside looking in

2024; a new year, a new goal. I have never done anything like this before so bear with me and let me introduce myself.
Hi, my names Natasha I’m 28 years old (by the time I do this) and I have chosen to start my fundraising road by signing up to Walk for Autism where I will be doing 10,000 steps a day for 8 days from 26th March to 2nd April. I have chosen to do this because autism affects some very lovely people in my life and I have seen first hand not only the trials and tribulations that come with autism but the greatest achievements that come from it too. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it only takes 1 person to make a choice that could change the course to create history. Now.. I know me doing this isn’t going to do that, but it does raise awareness and that leads to change. 

In the UK it is believed statistically that there are roughly 2.8 million people affected by Autism if you include families/loved ones. Now putting that into perspective that is almost the population of Wales. How many of us can truly say we have an understanding of it? 

What/who is my driving force behind this? My friend Richard and my other friends little girl Alice. Wow, what amazing people are they. I am not a complimentary type of person, but I will give credit where it’s due and I can honestly say I have never met 2 people who have inspired me in the way that they do. Richard has to be one of, if not the most intelligent person I have had the pleasure of knowing. Verbally it can be a challenge for him, but he never gives up and the attention to detail is immaculate. He will even remember something as small as a singer who you said you liked or if you were studying something you’re unsure of, best believe Richard will find the answer for it. Richard is always trying to be the most positive person he can be and that in itself is inspiring, life’s hard but it’s easier with a friend like Richard. 

Alice, now she just puts people to shame. Again intelligent, but ultimately inspiring. From the time she was indicative of having autism, she never let it phase her. Being told that she may never be able to speak was one of the biggest concerns for her loved ones, but here we are a few years down the line and she even told her parents what she wanted to add to her santas list! If you tell Alice she can’t, believe me she will show you that she can. From saying nothing at all to coming over my house a few months later and calling my name, you can imagine I was in disbelief. 

They are my reason.

I may not be able to make the change by myself but if they can continue to achieve what was thought to be the impossible, then I can and will be their voice. And all I ask is for those affected by autism to be heard & understood. Thank you for reading if you got this far & I hope you can support me in achieving my goal.

I'm walking for my friends Richard & Alice

I’m raising funds for autism! Please sponsor me today! I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. I’ll be walking 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. Please sponsor me on my journey giving as much or as little as you can, anything helps . Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group.

Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every person on the autism spectrum has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in. Autism is still massively misunderstood & stereotyped in todays society. I want to be part of the solution in making the world a nicer and more accommodating place for those who suffer with autism- regardless of where they land on the spectrum. I have seen first hand the progress that can be made with the right support and it is incredible. There are so many misconceptions about autism and we only fear the unknown, so let’s work together to try to understand autism. We can’t see what the future looks like, but we can certainly make the changes now to create the world we’d want our families & friends to live in. 

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Cheryl, Joanne, Leonor, Samatha & Sheila


Dean Dando


Hope Axford-dando


John-paul Thomas

Really proud of you, you are going to do great and it's for a great cause, well done Tash


Jack Axford



Go for it


Sian & Marty


Louise Davies

Good luck tashaa xx


Courtney Axford-dando

You’ve got this Tash! So proud of you!


Tracey Williams

You go hun


Richy Atthews


Michelle Willis

Good luck Tash xx


Rebecca Thomas

Well done you absolutely smashed it and should be so proud of yourself. Xx


Danielle And Mason

Good luck tash and well done! Me and mason will come with you.




Gemma, Ben And Alice

Thank you so much for doing this. Also thank you for your kind words about Alice. She thinks you are great.


Natasha Axford-dando


Andrea Dando


Jean Lewis


Kate Howells

Well done!!!

