My Walk for Autism Challenge

Total 0 steps
Charity match
So, last Saturday I went to a charity match at Wembley Stadium. I clicked every step from the journey there to the journey home and all that was inbetween.Prep
So the prep work has started.Welcome pack
So my welcome pack arrived yesterday and my t-shirt. I figured I'd let everyone know and make the fact I'm doing this challenge public. Within about 5 hours I'd smashed my target.Hey all
Howdy everyone.My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Day One Complete

Challenge completed
Thank you to my Sponsors

Nicola Osullivan

Mick Ruxley
Good luck mate

Steve Mackenzie


Thomas Osborn

Sam Osullivan
I want 100,000 please 🙏

Nicola Ball
So proud of you cuz. Thank you for your awesomeness 😘

Simon Mackenzie

Katie Odwyer

Ben Goodhew

Great cause, best of luck

Alison Swash

Beki Thorne
Good luck! You’ll smash it 🥳 xx

Shannon Mackenzie

Get to steppin' !!!

jack Sudds

Richard Mackenzie

Ian Olsen
You can do it captain all the best

Ray Solomon

Millie Stride

Al Yruistic
Good- this is a really worthy cause as there isn't enough help for thise with ASD and their support crew..

Julie Goodhew

Joan Mackenzie

Georgia Dean

Stephen Lambert
Good luck fingers crossed it’s a great day
