Stacey Muncaster

Total 178,734 steps

My goal 160000 steps

☆Walk For Autism 2024 Complete!☆

What a journey! 
It's been hard but it's been amazing!
I have reached my target steps and I also reached my donations target! 
I am over the moon! 
I just want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has donated and cheered me on! It means so much! 
There is still time to donate so if you would like to, then please do! 
But I am ready for a well earned rest! 
Walk For Autism 2024 complete!! 💚

Day 8 of 20,000 steps!

DAY 8! 
World Autism Awareness Day!
25,080 steps completed! 
This was my last day of walking! 
My boys came walking with me today. They started my journey on this challenge with me and they've ended it with me today. AMAZING! x

Day 7 of 20,000 steps!

Hey all! It's April! 
Day 7 complete! 20,113 steps! 
I can't believe I have been doing this walk for a full month! Just one more day to go! 
Thank you everyone for supporting me! It means alot! x 

Day 6 of 20,000 steps!

Happy Easter to all of you! 
I done a little walk this morning and then I had a busy day at home for Easter. I cooked a roast and had family time. I went on an evening walk instead. Just managed to complete by 20,000 steps! Phew! 
2 more days to go! Let's do this! x

Day 5 of 20,000 steps!

Hey all!
Day 5 I done a few little walks and then went out for the evening. Played golf and bowling! That got my steps up! (24,423 steps! Picture in the gallery) 
I also managed to reach my fundraising target of £250!! A big thank you to everyone who has donated! It means the world! 
3 more days to go!! x 

Day 4 of 20,000 steps!

Day 4 complete! 
I managed just over my target for day 4. 20,274 steps. (Picture in the gallery)
The Easter holidays have arrived, so the boys came on the walk with me. A couple of park trips along the way and they was happy! 
4 days down, 4 days to go! 
Let's do this! x

Our Story

Every child with Autism is different but this is our story...

From a young age I knew Isaac was autistic.
He flaps, he doesn't like loud noises, he has no sense of danger, he doesn't like crowded places, he doesn't like too much change, he stacks and lines toys up. The list goes on. Isaac has an obsession with trains! Luckily for us, we live near a train station and there is a bridge we can stand and watch them! At the age of 18 months Isaac said a few words like Mum, Dad, Nan, there, more. By the time he hit 2 years old, they all disappeared! He was non verbal. This is when i got him referred. Luckily for us this was straight forward. Isaac was diagnosed with ASD at the age of 3.
He is now 4 years old and he is the most happy and loving little boy! He is in full time school and he is doing so well! Isaac has speech therapy and now tries to say a few words. The school are absolutely amazing with him.

Don't get me wrong, it can be really hard being a parent to a child with autism but it is so rewarding too! 🥰❤️

Day 3 of 20,000 steps!

Hey all!
March 28th 2024... Day 3!
3rd day complete! (Picture in my gallery! 25,831 steps achieved!) 
With 2 school runs, a hour walk to my closest shopping centre and walking around the shops, i managed to go above my target.  
5 more days to go! We can do this! 
Thank you for all the donations so far, it means the world! 
Another day another walk! 
Let's go! x

Day 2 of 20,000 steps!

Hey all!
March 27th 2024... Day 2!
2nd day complete! (Picture in my gallery! 21,028 steps achieved!) 
6 more days to go! We can do this! 
Thank you for all the donations so far, it means the world! 
Another day another walk! 
Let's go! x

Day 1 of 20,000 steps!

Hey all!
March 26th 2024... Day 1! 
First day of the 20,000 steps. I smashed it. (Picture in my gallery! 21,810 steps achieved!) 
Walking towards Autism awareness day on the 2nd April. Just 7 days to go! 
Thank you for all the donations so far, it means the world! 
Another day another walk! 
Let's go! x

Another week completed!

Hey all! 
Another week complete! 
I found it quite difficult this week. It was my Sons birthday yesterday so i was sorting his birthday and party out all week! But I still managed to just get my 15,000 steps in! Phew! (Steps are in my gallery)
Tomorrow (26th March) is the start of the 8 days of Walk For Autism. I will be upping my steps to 20,000 a day! 
Can't wait! 
Thank you for all the support & donations! It means alot! 
8 days... let's go!! x

Another week completed!

Hey all! 
Second full week complete! 
My steps for the week are in the gallery! 
It's been an amazing week of walks. One day I reached 28,000 steps! 
And another day I had my middle boy walk me. 
It's lovely my boys want to join me on these walks. (Eldest has done a couple of night walks with me. Don't like his picture taken! lol)
Let's see what this week holds! 
Let's get stepping!
Happy Monday! x 

First full week of 15,000 steps a day complete!

I have completed my first full week of walking 15,000 steps a day & more!
I have posted a picture of my steps so you can all see! 
I am really enjoying getting out and achieving these steps! 
Monday is here again! A brand new week and lots more walking! 
Let's go!! x 

Let's get walking!

Yesterday I started my walking. 
15 thousand steps a day until 25th March then from then on, up until the 2nd April, i will up my steps to 20 thousand a day. 

I will post a screenshot of my steps on a sunday every week until the actual walk starts on the 26th, I will then post daily! 

Lets get walking and raising funds! x 

Hello! I am back!

Hey! Stacey here!
I am back for my second year. 
I am doing this for my Son Isaac. Isaac was diagnosed with Autism back in December 2022. He is now 4 years old. Isaac is a very happy and loving little boy. He is trying to say odd words but not much more than that. He loves being outdoors so he will try and do some steps with me! 
I can't wait to get walking and raise funds! 
I am going to start walking on March 1st until 25th March doing 15 thousand steps! Ease me in! Then for the 8 days for the Walk for Autism, I will be extending my walking goal to 20,000 steps a day!
Thank you for reading my page. Please share or sponsor if you can! 
It would really mean alot! 

Thank you! 
Much love ♡

I'm walking for my Son Isaac

Hey! Stacey here! 

I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. This is my second year of doing this. Last year my target was 15,000 steps. This year I am pushing myself and i will be walking 20,000 steps a day! This will be from the 26th March to 2nd April. Please sponsor me if you can! Every little helps! 

I am walking for my Son Isaac. He was diagnosed with Autism back in December 2022. 

Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every person on the autism spectrum has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.

Thank you for reading! Let's get walking and raising funds! 

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Rickard Sonia

Well Done Stacey


Charlene Muncaster


Sharon Muncaster

Good Luck with the walking,such a good cause xx


Craig Hayworth

Your doing great keep up the great work


Stacey Muncaster


Annie Malkin

What you're doing is incredible! How your little one is seeing in the world. Will remain positive with you guiding him 🫶


Sarahjane Whenman

Good Luck Stace 💗 My Son was Dignosed 4 months ago 💙


Amy Swan

Great cause, well done Stace! Good luck with the rest of the walking x x


Tracey Hutton





Well done Stacey! Keep up the good work


Sophie Coyston