Tanya Hook

Total 0 steps

My goal 10000 steps

I'm walking for......

I’m raising funds for autism, in the name of my beautiful 8 year old daughter Eden-Rae. 

I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. The plan is to walk10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. 

If you can sponsor me - Anything really does help.

Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every person on the autism spectrum has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.

My aim is to spread awareness and my hope is for acceptance. 

In a world where you can be anything … just be kind x

Thank you, 

Tan x

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed

First 10,000 steps completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sean O’callaghan

Well done Tanya very proud of you and wishing you the best of luck with the walks x


Jamie Bailey

Good luck, amazing cause close to all our hearts 💙


Nicole Stott

Keep being amazing!! Xx


Phil Toon

Hope Eden-Rae is ready to assist her mum🤣👍🏃‍♀️🧑‍🦯 xx Good luck


Linda Mota O’callaghan

You can do it darling … go girl 😘 good luck 😉


Cooper Hall

Good luck Twit


Helen Darby

Amazing challenge, you've got this xx




Julie Hook

Good luck Tanya and Eden Rae hope you raise lots of money xx


Julie Bailey

Good luck Tanya , this is a great cause close to our family heart 💞


Amy Bradley

Go Tanya & Eden-Rae! X