Chloe McCabe

My Walk for Autism Challenge

Total 0 steps

My goal 80000 steps

I'm walking for......

I’m raising funds for autism! Please sponsor me today! I’m taking part in the Walk for Autism challenge. I’ll be walking 10,000 steps a day from 26 March to 2 April. Please sponsor me. Anything helps . Walk for Autism is a fundraising challenge run by Autism Initiatives Group. Autism Initiatives Group is working towards a world where every autistic person has the support they need to thrive, every opportunity to fulfil their potential and a supportive, inclusive community to live in.

Fundraising rewards are sent out in May and reflect the total amount raised on my page. Check out my milestones below!

If I raise up to £49 I will receive an email thank you with a certificate and cut and stick trophy.

If I raise over £50 I will receive a Walk for Autism medal and a Thank You certificate!

If I raise over £125 I will receive a wicked Walk for Autism wristband too!

If I raise over £250 I will receive a marvellous Walk for Autism silver medal, a wristband and a printed thank You certificate!

If I raise over £500 I will become one of Walk for Autism's Fundraising Legends and will appear on the Fundraising Legends Wall and celebration confetti will fly on my fundraising page! I will also receive a marvelous Walk for Autism legend gold medal, a wristband and a printed thank you certificate!!!</></>

My Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

Raised £20 t-shirt is on its way

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Day One Complete

Challenge completed

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jake Black

You’re gonna smash it x


Sam Mccarlie

An amazing cause close to mine and my family’s heart. Well done Chloe!!!


Linda Redman


John Rowbotham

Great cause, best of luck.


Mandy Black

Good luck Chloe xx


Steven Wolf


Matthew Watson


Jamie Kennedy

Well done Chloe



Good luck gaffer, you got this


Kate Ramsey


Helen Bodily



Best of Luck Chloe is for a great cause!!


Emma Becks

Good luck Chloe, such a great cause x


Lauren Flood

Good Luck Chloe!


Liam Horton


Wayne Birch

Well done Chloe


Angela Sutheran

Amazing challenge good luck xx


Memo Vazquez

Fantastic cause, this will make a difference , well done Chloe


Ben Ulyett