We're walking for....
Our Team are stepping up to Walk for Autism to show how much we all care about autism.
We will be cheering each other on in our team to walk 10,000 steps every day for 8 days. We are all committed to raising much needed funds to support autistic children and adults in the UK and Ireland and also help to spread autism acceptance and understanding.
Help make all our steps count and show your support by donating today!
You can also help by sharing our page … or why not join us?
Thank you for helping us to spread autism acceptance and understanding.
Our Achievements

Added profile picture

Shared page

First donation received

50% fundraising target

100% fundraising target

Challenge completed
Thank you to our Sponsors

Jake Black

Best of luck ❤️

Sam Mccarlie
An amazing cause close to mine and my family’s heart. Well done Chloe!!!

Paul Eden
Keep going

Wendy Eden

Amy Ann

Ellie Richardson

Linda Redman

Lilian Robson
Brilliant girls

Brionie Agar

John Rowbotham
Great cause, best of luck.

Mandy Black
Good luck Chloe xx

Michelle Price
Good luck hun x

Steven Wolf

Jacky Russell
Smash it lasses 💪❤️

Matthew Watson

Jamie Kennedy
Well done Chloe

Good luck gaffer, you got this

Kate Ramsey

Helen Bodily

Best of Luck Chloe is for a great cause!!

Emma Becks
Good luck Chloe, such a great cause x

Harley Gray


Lauren Flood
Good Luck Chloe!

Liam Horton

Harvey Skinner

Wayne Birch
Well done Chloe

Angela Sutheran
Amazing challenge good luck xx

Memo Vazquez
Fantastic cause, this will make a difference , well done Chloe

Ben Ulyett

You’re gonna smash it x