Show how much you care and smash your target! Fundraising doesn’t have to be hard.
It’s about you showing how much you care about autism and spreading the word that you are stepping up to the Cycle for Autism challenge.
The Fundraising Tips & Resources below have been designed to make your fundraising journey as easy as possible – and help you raise as much as possible.
There are lots of ideas and there is also a poster you can download so you can write in details of any events you may plan, like an Afternoon Tea or a Bake Sale etc.
Fundraising Tips to help you smash your target
How to raise £125
The key to fundraising success is rallying your network of friends, family and workmates to understand why you care about autism. By using these four easy steps, you should easily raise £125.

Step 1
Show how much you care. By making the first £10 donation to your page you will be half way towards receiving your T-shirt! When your page hits £20 we will send you your T-shirt! Making a small donation to your own page shows others how much you care about autism.

Step 2
Share your page on social media. Not just once, share it at least twice a week and spread the word. It only takes six people to sponsor you £10 each and you're half way there!

Step 3
Email and WhatsApp your family, friends and work colleagues the link to your page, do it on payday when everyone is feeling flush! You can also contact your local newspaper to tell your Cycle for Autism story. See below for a press release template.

Step 4
Ask your employer to match the funds you have raised. Lots of workplaces offer match funding. It's worth finding out if your workplace does! See more information to help with this below.

Have a Bake Sale
Everyone loves a yummy cake!
What a treat! Whether you bake them yourself, or if you ask someone else to bake a batch of cakes for you or you buy some small cakes from a shop - selling cakes for 50p or at £1 each is a win win!
You could take the cakes into work to sell at coffee time, or take them to a club you are in - or you can ask people round for a cuppa and sell them then - these are all good ideas. Tell them the money raised is in support of your CYCLE FOR AUTISM cycle challenge and get chatting about autism!
Show them your online fundraising page. They may want to make a donation to your page for a cake!
Any cash raised can be paid into your own bank account then you can make a personal donation to your page!
Having a bake sale is a great idea to raise funds for your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge!

Car boot sale or a table sale
A car boot sale or a table sale is a great way to raise funds for your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge!
Is it time for a clear out? The things you no longer need can be other peoples treasure! Selling books, clothes, ornaments, unwanted gifts etc. for small amounts like 50p. £1 or £2 is a great way to turn your unwanted items into much needed funds for autism projects funded by your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge.
Show people your fundraising page and get talking about autism! They may pay for goods in cash or they could make a small online donation directly to your fundraising page.
any cash raised can be paid into your own bank account and then you can make a personal donation to your page for that amount.
Having a car boot sale or table sale is a great way to raise funds for your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge!

Afternoon Tea
Invite friends to your 'Afternoon Tea for Autism'!
Invite 5 or 6 friends to pay £5 and enjoy tea, a sandwich, scones and cakes. (whatever you decide)
You could also use our 'Afternoon Tea Quiz', or our 'Name the Bear' idea too for activities.
Maybe have a raffle too!
Tell your guests about your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge, show them your online fundraising page too.
They may make their donation online, and any cash raised can be paid into your own bank account and you can make a personal donation to your fundraising page.
Having an 'Afternoon Tea for Autism' is a great idea for raising funds for your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge.

Personal donation
Making a personal donation to your own fundraising page shows how committed you are to raising much needed funds for autism projects to your supporters.
Kick starting your fundraising page to get it off the zero mark encourages others to support your cause. When your page hits £20 you will receive an awesome CYCLE FOR AUTISM T-shirt!
Share your autism story you have penned on your fundraising page, and showing you have donated too - sends the message to your supporters that you are serious about making a positive difference to the lives of autistic children and adults. Keep sharing your fundraising page!
You have taken on this CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge because autism is part of your world, make a personal donation to your page and share the message - this will increase autism acceptance and understanding!
You can do this!
Can you guess the name of the bear?
This is a fun way to raise funds for your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge.
The first thing you need is a teddy bear. This can be new or old, big or small, but your teddy bear must be lovely enough to inspire people to have a go to win it.
Just download the document for all the instructions!
Guess the Name of the Bear is a great idea to boost your CYCLE FOR AUTISM fundraising!
Have a Quiz - and raise funds for your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge!
This fun quiz is a great way to raise funds! You can incorparate this with an 'Afternoon Tea' as an activity or you can just have a stand alone quiz.
Each quizzer donates a £1 or £2 to play and have a small prize for the winner.
Alway remember to tell everyone about your CYCLE FOR AUTISM challenge and show them your fundraising page.
Always take every opportunity to talk about your challenge you are taking on to support autism projects, this is the way we increase autism acceptance and understanding!
A quiz is a great way to boost your fundraising!